
To give financial support to members or children of members who are active in Erwin Presbyterian Church. This will be a non-need based scholarship and each recipient will be treated equally. Consideration of activity may include but not limited to attendance, contributions in cash or labor, parent is member or student has attended church but has not joined. We would prefer to err by giving scholarships to persons with less participation in church than to withhold scholarship from someone with some participation.

Recipients Must:

  • Have been a member of or child or spouse of member of Erwin Presbyterian Church for at least one year before receiving scholarship.
  • Maintain a grade point of 2.0 or better to continuing receiving scholarship. If GPA falls below 2.0 then scholarship can be re-instated when GPA is raised to 2.0.
  • Be working toward a degree at an accredited vocational school, college or university. This can be an associate, bachelor or graduate level degree. This scholarship is not intended for person taking general interest courses.

Scholarship Awarded:

  • Scholarship shall be awarded for two semesters per year. If recipient is a part time student the scholarship will be pro-rated considering 12 hours full time.
  • A scholarship of $250 for each 3 hour course taken during summer semester not to exceed $500 for summer semester.
  • A scholarship may be given to high school students enrolled in duel credit courses with a college or university. The amount will be actual out of pocket expenses not to exceed $500.00 per semester for 6 hours college credit, or $250.00 for 3 credit hours per semester.
  • Scholarship will be paid to a college, school or university that recipient is attending. The scholarship may be used for tuition, books, transportation, meals or other expenses related to education.
  • To renew scholarship the student may be required to provide evidence of academic standing in school.
  • If a recipient does not complete a semester, the funds received do not need to be repaid. The recipient will not be eligible for scholarship again until they have completed the next semester and have the required GPA.
  • To maintain the scholarship at least 12 hours must be completed for each semester the scholarship is awarded. If a student falls behind in total number of hours for each semester the scholarship is awarded, the total hours must be brought up to an average of at least 12 per semester the scholarship was awarded. If scholarship has been pro-rated then the required hours will also be pro-rated.
  • The total number of terms that a recipient may receive the scholarship is 5 terms for a two year degree, 10 terms for a four year degree, 3 terms for a masters level degree and 4 terms for a doctorate degree.

Determination of Eligible Persons:

  • Annually the membership will be screened to ascertain who will be attending higher education in the coming year.
  • Academic standing of persons previously receiving the scholarship will be verified to see if GPA and numbers of hours completed meet the requirements in scholarship awarded section of these guidelines.
  • Individual matters such as illness, accidents or other personal problems may be considered if the number of hours toward satisfactory advancement is not met. This is intended to be used if a student drops out of school during the semester due to circumstances beyond their control.

Value of Scholarship:

  • The amount of scholarship will be determined annually by the session. It is recommended by the committee writing this report that the scholarship be $1500.00 each semester.
  • It is the feeling of the committee that the corpus of the Bogart Fund can be spent to maintain the scholarship payments. We realize that the Bogart Fund may run out of funds in the future. When this happens the scholarship will cease.