From the Interim Pastor | Count as Blessing
It’s easy and perhaps natural for members of a small-membership church like ours to regret or fret about what we lack. And it’s true, of course, a larger church can offer more and different experiences and opportunities than those available at a smaller one. But different doesn’t mean greater or lesser. It simply means there are different ways of being church. I’d like to suggest a few of those ways that I count as blessings at Erwin Presbyterian (EPC).
I count as blessing that EPC holds fast to the sound teaching and the great treasure of faith God entrusts to the church (1 Timothy 2:13-14).
I count as blessing that EPC is truly a community of faith where people have a sense of mutual responsibility, caring for and about each other, maintaining connection, and sharing one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2).
I count as blessing that EPC is engaged in service outside its own walls, with ministries that bring help and hope to needful neighbors, and with mission support that extends compassion to people around the world (John 15:12).
I count as blessing that EPC has members who voluntarily and tirelessly work to build up the church’s ministry and mission, and who tend, as well, to the many organizational tasks of church life (Ephesians 4:12).
I count as blessing that God continues to work in and though Erwin Presbyterian Church. And I hope you do, too.
See you in church!