Year: 2023

Church Unity

In Philippians 2:1-4, Paul challenges us to think about church unity. We live in aworld filled with division because of political, economic, and religious differences. Althoughthese differences can enrich our world, often they have been misused in selfish ways. Can webe united in the middle of this global and local division? Paul’s answer is: Yes, […]

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Session Update

Session Update

In worship soon we will ordain and install Katherine Bowen to a term on Session, and install Byron Beard and Betty Stevens, both previously ordained. Katherine, Byron and Betty comprise the Class of 2025. They join session members whose terms continue: Class of 2023: Susan Chambers, Gina Hudson, Hitomi Lewis, Mary Beth Longcrier, and Mike […]

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From the Interim Pastor | Go Get ‘Em!

From the Interim Pastor | Go Get ‘Em!

At a theology conference I attended a couple years ago, the evening’s final speaker was asked to close the day’s proceedings with a Benediction. However, as an academic, not a Pastor, he was unaccustomed to performing this liturgical act, and seemed unprepared and flustered. After a few awkward moments he looked at the audience, paused, […]

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From the Interim Pastor | A New Year

From the Interim Pastor | A New Year

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in creating a faithful, beautiful, and joyful season at Erwin Presbyterian Church. From the Harvest Festival on November 20 through Worship on Christmas Day, we were blessed with six weeks of excellent worship, events and activities, with the building decorated wonderfully. This doesn’t just happen […]

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